What degree programs does the US have to offer and how are they structured?

The University of Seville offers a wide variety of graduate, Master’s, and PhD degrees, all of which have been adapted to meet the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) guidelines. Some of these degree programs were developed together with the University of Malaga under the framework of the Andalusia-Tech International Campus. Furthermore, we provide an array of dual-degree programs. This wide academic portfolio is a great opportunity to develop a rich and comprehensive training and to pursue a diverse selection of educational routes at any level.

All of our degrees are adapted to the EHEA and are further subjected to a rigorous quality assurance system where we take your opinion into account.

The 2012-13 academic year will be last year that students who started study programs that have been outdated by the new university structure are allowed to complete them through the corresponding Second Cycle Study Program. For more information on the catalog of second cycle degree programs, click the following link.